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1990 bbq & Sushi Bar
1990 bbq & Sushi Bar Rezensionen

1990 bbq & Sushi Bar

Koreanisch, Vegetarisch, Asiatisch, BBQ

Ein Hauptgang kostet etwa30€

Bilder von Restaurant 1990 bbq & Sushi Bar in Mitte, Ingolstadt
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Bewertungen zu 1990 bbq & Sushi Bar (7)

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7 Bewertungen


7 Bewertungen

Atmosphäre:Sehr angenehm
Service & Bedienung:Freundlich
Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis:Sehr gut
Wartezeit:Kurze Wartezeit
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"Sehr gut"
Ezgi B.3 months ago · 4 Bewertungen

Sehr schickes Restaurant, schönes Ambiente! Essen auch sehr lecker. Man kann über das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis streiten, aber für ein Lokal in der Innenstadt schon okay. Würde hier auf jeden Fall wieder herkommen!

Natasa A.5 months ago · 21 Bewertungen

The service was slow. I got my drink after the food arrived. Two different people ordered the bbq and they served them the food in the same dish. Mind you, these people didn’t know each other and in this shared dish there was 1 mushroom and 1 corn (among some other few things). This was quite disappointing.

Natasa A.2 years ago · 21 Bewertungen

The people were super friendly and kind but there were several points that didn’t work out well. The drinks and food came in different timings (with more than half an hour difference) and with „mistakes“ cause we actively asked not to have one ingredient and we were reassured, that is possible and not a problem. But then the ingredient was indeed there in the dish. What was really not ok is that the sushi was served all in the same plate. But two different people ordered sushi. Why should they share a dish or take their sushi from the same dish and not receive each one, 1 dish? Two different people also ordered bbq and the things to grill arrived also in the same dish (and the first dishes also together) AND these two people received 1,5 mushroom, 1 piece of corn, 1 piece of broccoli, 1 asparagus. How are these people supposed to divide the corn? Very weird. Especially in these covid times, that if you can take care a bit, you do it. The sushi was not something special.

Natasa A.2 years ago · 21 Bewertungen

Alles war ein bisschen langsam, aber das Essen war toll und die Lage ist super!

Sophie T.2 years ago · 36 Bewertungen

Essen ist sehr lecker und es wirkt als ob alles selbst gemacht ist

Sophie T.2 years ago · 36 Bewertungen

Die Vorspeisen sind sehr sehr lecker und auch die Nachspeisen sind sehr zu empfehlen

"Sehr gut"
Natasa A.2 years ago · 21 Bewertungen

Leckere Cocktails, schicke Interieur, schnelle und frische Gerichte. Ich würde es empfehlen.